Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Men's Community Action Forum

Men's Community Action Forum
9.30 - 11.30 am
21 March 2006

formerly the Men's Issues
Working Party (MIWP)

Last month the meeting of the Blue Mountains Men's Issues Working Party held their (now) monthly meeting. Various members of the local community were invited to the last meeting and it was well attended by those interested and active in the area of Men's Issues.

If you are interested in joining us, your input would be appreciated at this meeting and valued in identification, planning and development of men's services and addressing men's issues in the Blue Mountains area.

Where and When is the Meeting
9.30 am - 11.30 pm
21 March 2006

Mid Mountains
Neighbourhood Centre
9 New St
Lawson 2783

[between the Post Office on the Highway,
and the back of Lawson Primary School]

Aim of the meeting
The recent February meeting of the MIWP broadened the working relationship between men's groups in the Blue Mountains. The former MIWP group operating in the Mid-Moutains Centre at at Lawson and the Bungecaregee Centre at Hazelbrook are now actively working with the Men's Groups from Springwood Neighbourhood Centre, OMNI, Anglicare, U3A, Men's Shed and Katoomba Project.

At the last meeting, the group unanimously agreed to the name Mens Community Action Forum (relinquishing the former MIWP as no longer relevant to the group) and have initiated an active role in coordinating services available to men and identifying areas of concern, contribution and action.

In order to progress this aim, a further meeting has been set up for 21 March 2006 to include interested participants in the delivery of services to men in the Blue Mountains.

Please advise prior to the meeting if attending. Feel free to distribute this invitation to others that might be interested in this area and would like to contribute to this growing and active forum.

If you have items for inclusion in the agenda or issues that need to be addressed please advise by return email as soon as possible. The agenda will be issued this week.

You are most welcome to contact me by return email or at the contact points below, if you have concerns, constraints or suggestions.

Best regards
Kim Hopkins

Contact - Kim Hopkins
phone 4758 8248
mobile 0414 855 943

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