Friday, April 28, 2006

MCAF - Tuesday 2 May 2006

Looking forward to seeing you all at the "Men's Community Action Forum" MCAF meeting .

The MCAF meeting usually meets 9.30 am to about 11.30 am with flexibility to extend if we have items of interest on the agenda that need to be concluded.

Steve, the old MMNC Coordinator/Community Development Worker at the Mid Mountains Community Centre is now the new Community Development Worker who will attend future MCAF meetings instead of Mick.

The minutes of the 21/3/06 are being typed ready for Tuesday's meeting.

As a reminder of the output from the last meeting have a look at the whiteboard photo... capturing the descriptive work on MCAF from the last meeting.

Please advise prior to the meeting if attending. Feel free to distribute this invitation to others that might be interested in this area and would like to contribute to this growing and active forum.

If you have items for inclusion in the agenda or issues that need to be addressed please advise by return email as soon as possible. The agenda will be issued this week.

You are most welcome to contact me by return email or at the contact points below, if you have concerns, constraints or suggestions.

Best regards
Kim Hopkins

Contact - Kim Hopkins
phone 4758 8248
mobile 0414 855 943

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Monthly meeting Wed 26th April

Our monthly men's meeting is upon us again .. if you are able to attend on Wednesday night 26 April at the Springwood Neighbourhood centre we look forward to seeing you there.

Apart from some spirited discussion of the usual type we have a couple of other items to consider

1. Joint meeting with Men's Sheds scheduled for Tuesday 9 May 2006 at Springwood

2. Ideas & Planning local activities for International Men's Health Week

3. Review of our inital discussion when the group was set up ... see previous post

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Local Men's Network next meeting 26 April

Local Men's Network will meet on 26 April 2006 at the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre. Please book the day out in your busy calendars.. another exciting evening with the guys ... more about info in coming days..

Trial Mens mini-conference 12 April

OM:NI in conjuction with the MHIRC at UWS are conducting a Mens Conference at Richmond at the end of May.

A small trial of the techniques to be used for the conference will be conducted at the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre on Wednesday Evening 7.20pm on 12 April 2006. The will also allow some of the participants to be come familiar with the Cafe-Conference style that will be employed.

If you are interested in attending, any your support will be well appreciated, please advise Lee at Springwood or Kim via

sample output from the springwood trail

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