Wednesday, February 22, 2006

bbq & music night - springwood

Another successful night for the evening men's group.. with and excellent BBQ prepared by Lee and a cosy environment inside the neighbourhood centre to share some stories and listent to sounds of Eric Bogle and other contributions by the members of the group.

Music and song evening

There is an evening of music and song for Men at the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre

Time: 7.30 pm

Date: 22 Feb 2004

Style: BBQ

Lee is throwing on a bbq feast come with an appetite!!

Bring along your musical talent,
bring an instrument if you can play
a CD of your favourite song...

musical men!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Men's Community Action Forum

Mens Community Action Forum [MCAF] met at the Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, Lawon 21 Feb 2006 followed by a light lunch.

The group spent time getting to know the other providers of men's services in the Blue Mountains area then proceeded to create a new name reflecting the increased vigour of the group. MCAF seek to build on the success of the Mens Issues Working Party [MIWP] but expanding the role across the region and developing a dynamic and active forum for discussion, coordination and above all, action in the community for men's issues and health.

Rear: Lloyd Fell, Trevor Donnelley, Lyn Bevington, Mick Barrett, Geoff Turner
Front: Lee O'dowd Austen, Kim Hopkins & Alex Galvan

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Men's Issue Working Party (MIWP) - meeting 21 Feb 2006

A meeting of the Blue Mountains Men's Issues Working Party (details below). Various members of the local community intereted and active in the area of Men's Issues have been invited. If you are interested in joining us your input would be appreciated at this meeting and valued in identification, planning and development of men's services and addressing men's issues in the Blue Mountains area.

Where and When is the Meeting
9.30 am - 12.30 pm
21 February 2006
Mid Mountains
Neighbourhood Centre
9 New St
Lawson 2783
[between the Post Office on the Highway,
and the back of Lawson Primary School]

Aim of the meeting

The recent November meeting of the MIWP broadened the working relationship between men's groups in the Blue Mountains. The existing MIWP group operating in the Mid-Moutains Centre at at Lawson and the Bungecaregee Centre at Hazelbrook are now actively working with the Men's Groups from Springwood Neighbourhood Centre, OMNI and Anglicare.

At this meeting, it was recognised that the MIWP has a role to play within the area for coordinating services available to men and identifying areas of potential overlap or deficit. This would enable the MIWP to identify issues and areas that might benefit from coordination, identify concerns and act upon ways that men's issues may be better addressed in the area.

In order to progress this aim, a planning meeting has been set up for early 2006 to include interested participants in the delivery of services to men in the Blue Mountains.

A bit of background:

The Mens Issues Working Party was formed in late 2001 in response to requests to "get something happening for men in the Mountains". The group comprised men and women, workers and residents who are interested in men's issues. The group has been meeting quarterly since then and a major outcome has been the provision of regular community education workshops A Tool Kit for Handling Anger and groups Men Building Relationships by Boudi Maassen-Glasgow. The groups have been organised by Lyn Bevington from MOCS and Mick Barrett from Mid-Mountains NC and have been well attended. A wide range of men in different situations have attended and have found the sessions beneficial.
Who should attend

Those interested in the delivery of services to men in the Blue Mountains. This meeting includes representatives from neighbourhood centres, OMNI, private individuals, local government, private business and service providers. If you have concerns, information or services that might be of interest please feel welcome to contribute during this forum.


Please advise prior to the meeting if attending

You are most welcome to contact me by return email or at the contact points below, if you have concerns, constraints or suggestions.

Contact - Kim Hopkins
phone + 61 2 4758 8248
mobile + 61 414 855 943

Thursday, February 09, 2006


OMNI Springwood group is again meeting each week.

When 1.30 to 3.30 on Wednesday afternoons

Where: at the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre.

Community contacts

For detailed contact information for community services in the Blue Mountains.. click on the title of this post.

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